

Studio & Livestream Concert Series

Alex Wurman with Matthew Marsolek


Finale Concert! April 2nd

EMMY® Award-winning film composer, Alex Wurman, with multi-instrumentalist and bandleader of Drum BrothersMatthew Marsolek, takes us on an evocative musical adventure with live, improvised soundscapes, rhythm, and deep harmonic associations.

Whether writing critically-acclaimed music for an Oscar®-winning film, or capturing the essence of brainy ideas for indie movies, Wurman’s decades of film experience have given Alex Wurman a highly versatile musical palette that he uses to alert the auditory senses for a tantalizing musical discovery. 

Throw in the mix Matthew Marsolek’s world-music expertise, his ingrained Montana outdoors-manship, and his rich and settling voice, the listener is now being transported into an experiential realm of musical delight. (read more about Matthew below)

New Music Videos!
Alex and Matthew's partnership creating new music with beautiful visual content from their adventures together in 2022. Aesthetic content to inspire deep breaths, reflection, relaxation and good feels. 

Musical Deep Dives: 
Into the minds of Alex & Matthew as they explore a variety of music topics and reflections.

Join us in vibe-y San Pedro, or Virtually, for some chill, deep breath and reset!

Band leader of Drum Brothers world fusion group, Matthew Marsolek has been at the forefront of the North American hand drumming movement since the 1990s. He’s been a facilitator at numerous events and workshops around the Northwest and Canada, sharing music and rhythm with a variety of groups including: corporate teams, at-risk youth, bereaved children, cancer survivors, and students of all ages. He’s also been a featured speaker at TEDx UMontana.

Matthew has studied West African and East Indian music for over two decades and is also an accomplished guitarist, vocalist, and composer. Along with solo projects, he’s released recordings with Drum Brothers and Mandir and has produced original music for film.

A dedicated and charismatic educator, Matthew shares his passion for community music-making through school residencies, clinics, workshops, rhythm circles, and team-building events.

In 2004, Matthew and Marianne Spitzform, Ph.D., conducted a pilot study on hand drumming, consciousness and the brain through St Patrick's Hospital. Their research has been presented at the Toward a Science of Consciousness Conference in Tucson, Arizona, the Butte Cardiology Conference at St. James Healthcare in Butte, Montana, and the Bridging the Gap Conference at St. Pat's Hospital in Missoula, Montana.

The unique music Alex and Matthew are creating together will be showcased in this

3-part Concert Series: Wurman Marsolek Arts project

First Sundays of the month. Next Concert March 5th, 7pm PST

Both In-Person and Livestream ticket options available

Livestream concert will be available for 3 days and can be re-streamed.

“Composing music for great writers and film makers for over 30 years has forged in me a flowing pathway that connects emotion to music. I’ve had to do it so often and so fast that the process can be potent and swift. Combine that with my love of piano, and a jazz influenced improvisational approach, and I have recently found myself in a position to ‘play the mood of the day’.

During the beginning of the Covid-19 pandemic I began playing piano improvisation livestreams on social media for the purpose of bringing people together out of isolation for a moment of communal release of stress.

What has come out of nightly livestream during Covid has been remarkable.”

Alex Wurman

“Awesome! In the true sense of the word. Looking forward to more! "

Audience Member

"Beautiful, meditative. thank you"

Audience Member

"Cool polyrhythms, rich and ethereal vocals (well done man!), and of course, stellar piano. Awesome, transportative atmosphere."

Audience Member